Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well this weekend I was going to make pepper jelly and bread. I am trying to find the best bread recipe, the best pizza dough recipe, etc. So I can use it over and over. I am determined to make my own bread. Not knowing much about bread or yeast except from what I can google, I am finally happy with my second try. My first attempt did not rise at all. Now I know how to start the yeast and proof the dough. I still don't think it is perfect. It was partial rolled oats, whole wheat and regular bread flour. I like the rolled oats on the crust too.
I didn't make the jelly because I want to share jars with my friends and I got a really bad cold that kicked in Friday night, and I was just dying Saturday. I didn't want to take a chance of spreading germs. So I will do it during the week maybe.

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